Tuesday, December 13, 2011

20, 5, 4, 2

20 awesome words you can't translate
Have you tried these 5 incredible tacos?
4 [seriously?] ways to hold your phone
2 comprehensive posts defining The Entrepreneur

Monday, December 12, 2011

Miserable, Addictive, Fear

Facebook is making us miserable
Love Pinterest?
We've gotten too efficient (check out heat map at the end)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rembrandt, Ferrari, Sandberg

Rembrandt's business lesson: Light
Ferrari's competitive advantage: Cashmere
Sandberg's secret: Work/Life balance

Monday, March 21, 2011

Catalina's List

In my last rotation I was tasked with putting together an email with notes from the morning markets meeting and some accompanying articles. It turned into something more. Less notes, more articles. Less finance, more ideas. And people liked it. So I'm going to try to serve that market, given my new job and responsibilities. I will start by pulling together an email/blog weekly, and gauge it from there. If you send me your email, I’ll add you to the list that will get an update each time I post on my blog.

These are uncharted waters (especially since I don’t fully understand why you all like this email so much), so no promises. I realize that there are many other sources out there doing the same thing, drudge report and arts & letters daily to name two that I highly respect. What makes mine different? You tell me.

Here’s to adventure.